Event: Game Show
Players: Wybenga & Partners Accountants
Location: Quarryman’s Hotel Pyrmont, Sydney
Hosts: Josh & Skyler
We had a great time with the awesome team from Wybenga & Partners!
These guys are very methodical in their approach to games – a bit more on the reserved side, being accountants they are the first to admit it! Regardless, they loved all the challenges and even though they requested very few solo challenges (that require anyone to stand up) the performances by those that did were incredible!
It was amazing how different challenges were better suited to certain teams. One team may not have been great at one challenge but then killed it in another and that seemed to be across the board for all teams.
Team 1 seemed to be the clear winners at the start, and they had a fantastic team camaraderie! That only unified all the other teams competitiveness against though! They did super-well but it seemed like all other teams were happy for anyone to win so long as it wasn’t the cocky team 1!
In the end it was team 4 that won the day! (Sorry team 1!).
Congratulations Team 4 and a big thanks to Kerrie and the whole team at Wybenga & Partners – we can honestly say it’s the most fun we’ve had with accountants! (yeah, you knew we were gonna sneak in an accountant joke somewhere 🙂 ).